Estudos e Análises

Characterization of areas impacted by fires in Mato Grosso

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Following one of the worst forest fire seasons in 2019, Mato Grosso continues the sad trend of increasing fire detection in 2020. Between January 1 and August 20, the National Space Research Institute (INPE) detected more than 15 thousand fire detection spots in the state.

This number is 7% higher than that of the same period for the previous year. Different from 2019, when the increase in forest fires occurred in the Amazon biome, this year the most critical situation concerns fires that have consumed the Mato Grosso Pantanal.

The consequences of the fires are enormous, ranging from the impacts on biodiversity and environmental equilibrium to economic losses, such as compromising the ever-important touristic potential of the region.



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Desenvolvido por Matiz Caboclo